forever 29

forever 29

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Introducing the Paleo diet: A healthy new eating trend

Hello, all you diet addicts out there! Hereby I shall introduce the Paleo diet. But guess what: The Paleo diet is supposed to be one of the most healthiest diets which has ever been out there. At least that is what everyone tells me. 

Ok, starting from the beginning. The Paleo diet is right now the "hottest" or "healthiest" trend out there among all the diets. Many celebs like Megan Fox, Miley Cyrus and so on are doing it with joy. The Paleo springs up from the word Paleolithic era which was a time period from about two and a half millions ago. It was an era where our ancestors hunted for fresh foods which included fresh meat, fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables, oils, seeds and nuts. As you know, processed food did not exist during that time nor refined sugars and dairy products. Hence, the paleo diet is all about eating healthy and mainly eating these types of things which the "wild hunters" would eat.

On the left you can see the food pyramid with regards to Paleo. Your main source of nutrition and protein should be meat, eggs and fish. The meat should be of high quality and the other products certainly, too. What is missing on the pyramid are any types of diary products, wheat or grains. No milk, No yoghurt, no bread! And sugar is also cut at all. Alcohol is also not "allowed" during that diet. Nonetheless, Paleo is not really a diet which you follow for a couple of weeks but rather a lifestyle as you have to completely change your whole style of eating and living. 

Does it work? Paleo in real life:

My boyfriend is also trying the Paleo diet right now. I have to admit that it is definitely harder than we thought. We are both very healthy eaters and I try to avoid bread, sugars and alcohol as much as I can, anyways. So for me, the diet is not really a change but for my boyfriend it is pretty tough. He had to cut his beloved spaghetti and also cutting bread was the most difficult challenge for him. He also didn't feel very well for the first week so I think that it really depends on the person how well you take it. Nonetheless, he is still following it. His goal is not to loose weight but to just feel overall better and healthier. I will tell you in a couple of weeks how it turned out. Below you can see some pics of the healthy Paleo pancakes we made just recently for breakfast. It is crazy, they just contain coconut flour, eggs and baking soda and tasted very well.

Above you can see a pic from my last holiday with my most favourite sweets at all: Frozen Yoghurt!! That had to be cut too (my biggest loss;)).

Have you tried Paleo already or are you following any type of special diet?
What is your key to stay slim and healthy?

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Biggest sports fair: ISPO 2014

Last week, one of the biggest sports fair took place in Munich, named ISPO which is the abbreviation for "International sportswear and fashion". I was impressed. There were so many halls with various booths of fashion and sport retailers, manufactures of sport appliances and so on. The halls were clustered after certain themes. My favourite one was the "health and fitness area". Stromberg (who is a German cook-more or less famous;)) introduced there various types of health foods and the green juice. It seems to be that you cannot get out of the way of green juices! There are so many recipes out there, celebs drink it, even my mum just started mixin' it every morning. By the way, she highly recommends it. I will try it out soon & surely will tell you about my experience. Moreover, I met at the ISPO one of my favourite fitness idols: Johanna Fellner. You can check her out on her website: She also writes for the fitness magazine Shape. In my opinion, she has one of the best bodies ever, comes across so sympathetically, and has a great philosophy about keeping a healthy lifestyle and even develops her own functional fitness programms.You can see some pics of her below.

So, the main question arises....What are THE hottest trends? 
Well, there were several innovations introduced with regards to winter sports like skiing, snowboarding and so on which are not necessarily in my main area of interest;). For example, there was a new technology introduced against avalanches called JetForceTechnology. It is some kind of instant rescue which helps you to get constant air in case of an avalanche. Nonetheless, the trends which I found very interesting were

1. Functional training ( TRX , for example)
2.  Measuring fitness watches/ instruments

Funtional training implies training the acitivities or movements performed in daily life. It is basically the opposite of going to the gym, using the machines where you mostly only train one or two muscle-groups. TRX standing for Total Resistance eXercise is one of example of it. The workout consists of hanging or gripping the legs in the straps and performing the moves. You can easily work on every muscle group. The other advantage is that you can basically carry your gym around. The straps are very light and you can hang them in your apartment, outside where there is little space. The second trend which I mentioned is mainly the technology that you can use to punctually measure your fitness level and movements. It is made for people who want to get the exact result of their training. So for example, there are sport watches which measure every move you made during the day. I am a fan of those technologies but already have a very good sport watch which measures every kilometer. Without it, I couldn't have done my Marathon Running training.

So, enough talking! Check out the pics now;)!

Enjoying the green juice
Almonds are the new chocolate!
CEP Running Socks- ♥ the pink ones

Fitness tower- you can perform all kinds of exercise on this machine--crazy

Johanna Fellner in action :)

Johanna & me

Starting with TRX--Heels are not really helpful!

Getting in the correct position

Working together

"Short version" of TRX-the shorter strap

Colorful fitness apparel- like the pants very much

Nice running outfits from Falke

My mantra!

Where is the icebear?

Hey, my eyes hurt! 

Hometrainer made out of wood

                     I hope you got an impression what the ISPO was all about. Sports, Fun, Sports.......!

                                                                    Cheers, XOXO